Hot days

Aha! Hot days - Finally it's summer, perhaps? I've got the watering hoses on, and have been filling and refilling the watering cans to keep the patio pots happy.
Wednesday 27th November
Have already speed-weeded by Willow Bridge, pulling out handfuls of old forget-me-nots. Four barrowfuls in the first hour - good work! Started getting bombed by little bumble bees - not sure why - so moved further away.
Honey bees...
Think there is a honey bee hive? nest? in the corner of the garage. Saw lots of bees buzzing around, comings and goings. Will tell Non-Gardening Partner.
Have been finding lots of little sprouts of ivy, and long sticky strands of cleavers in the gardens - thanks, birds.
Have raked up my mess, had a quick shower, washed my hair, and am about to zoom off to my Jazz choir rehearsal, then to a rehearsal of Handel's The Messiah, and then home. What a groovy day!
Thursday 28th November
So today is going to be super hot. The Norwester is already roaring through the trees, a continuous band of wind noise. I've put the hoses on (discretely - no point in the wind spraying the water around in the air) and I'm about to settle down to listen to the cricket commentary on my wee cricket radio. Yeay! I may or may not go outside and pull out more forget-me-nots.

Part of the Hump garden
Three very lazy hours later...
So I've listened to New Zealand lose two wickets, shifted the hoses twice (found a serious breakage in the hose in the Wattle Woods). I've pulled out more forget-me-nots from the Stumpy Garden, which is extraordinarily dry. No wonder the roses struggle here!
For a wee treat I've been Black Friday shopping online for some special sale price socks. They are Christmas presents. Merry Sock Christmas, everyone!