Lost time....
Subsumed (?) by singing commitments, preparations for concerts and recitals, I lost valuable gardening time, my hand diggers and my gardening energy. Oh joy!
My whole weekend was taken up by Bruckner - it was, after all, his 200th anniversary, but I'm not completely enamoured of his grandiose style of writing. With a touch of sweet Mozart and dry Stravinsky thrown into the musical soup for 'good measure'(hee hee).

Home after all the heavy hoo-hah (I mean the singing), I went to bed at 6pm to listen to the cricket. And for once I didn't fall asleep. New Zealand won the third and final test match against India! Yeay!
Energy and hand diggers missing...
On Monday I poked and pottered at things quite happily, but my usual energy was missing. And - oops - so were my two hand diggers.
I weeded in the Herb Spiral, planted the rose Pierre de Ronstadt by the patio (on a whim), and did some sneaky respraying of the Alstroemeria in the Island Bed. Ghastly stuff. Also swept up all the soggy Wisteria blossom from the patio ad dumped it on the bonfire.
By mid-day I was fading fast. Sat in the shade with my book and promptly fell asleep. Crikey! A rather low key day, but the garden looked beautiful - Miss November already seemed determined to outshine Miss October.
So I was only absent from my garden for three days (and I did water my seedlings and picked flowers for the house vases).

SIngle Red Roses
The garden looked like it had been home alone for three weeks or more. There was so much growth, both desirable and undesirable. For example, when did the single red rose in the Hump Garden get so big?