
Hello, mid-March. Autumn is sneaking in. The leaves on the deciduous trees are just starting to turn colour. The little blue Asters are flowering. It's a bit dark in the mornings, a bit cooler in the evenings. I love the season of Autumn. Love, love, love it.

 Not sure of the variety.
Autumn Asters

I've just had THE most amazing day (a mixture of music and gardening). My chamber group very kindly tried out my arrangement of Ravel's Sonatine - just the Minuet for starters. It sounded great. When I got home I spent three hours in the Hump Garden relaxing - actually I was sitting down in the dirt weeding. Trimmed the rest of the Phloxes, the variegated Scrophularias, dead-headed roses and dahlias.

 By the pergola.
Messy Roses - Lady of Megginch

Thoroughly enjoyed myself. Gardening doesn't always have to be deep and meaningful. Trivial scrapings of the dirt can be just as inspiring. And fun.

 Where I was weeding...
The End of the Hump Garden

Saturday 15th March

Did I really say that weeding is fun? I think I just did! Three more hours today, just sitting in the dirt with my secateurs and my hand digger, slowly moving around the end of the Hump Garden.

This garden hasn't been 'developed' yet, because it may get trashed when the final large trees in the old shelter row are felled. Just a path, self sown Lychnis and some dumped dahlias. Really enjoyed myself again - no pressure, great results.

Monday 17th March

Yesterday was a huge music day, starting with singing in the Machaut Mass, then an afternoon rehearsal with Monteverdi, MacMillan, and Bach. Home to do a bit more work on my Ravel arrangement, then off to the Folk Club with one of my choirs. Played some blues piano, sang a Samoan song, came home late in a musical daze.

 The Golden Elm starting to change colour.
Almost Autumn Leaves!

And guess what? Didn't sleep very well. My head was far too noisy!