Happy New Year for 2025
Good morning. It's New Year's Day, and it's cold and wet. The log-burner is going, the cats are snuggled up inside. Nobody wants to go outside - except the dogs. Last night's southerly rain was interesting. For us the southerly comes up from Antarctica. Brr...

Happy New Year from Fred
So this morning, to be honest, I'm not keen to do any gardening yet. The garden is dripping water. All the borders are soaked. A great way for the garden to start the year, but I don't feel like getting wet.
Big things to do...
Oh yes, I have big things to do. Two rather daunting ones to start the year off in style : Dig out all the Iris confusa, and trim down the huge species Phormium by the Driveway Bridge. Thinking of these two tasks will be enough to keep me indoors with the Christmas jigsaw for days, hee hee.
A bit later...
The drizzle has stopped, but's only thirteen degrees Celsius outside - a winter's day temperature. And do I go outside gardening in winter? Yes. So I'm going to put on a merino top and shorts, and work until I get too cold and wet. My location will be the Hump Garden, where I found (yet again) an impassable path.
Two hours later...
Done! Am clean and warm in front of the log-burner. Feel proud, too. Meanwhile NGP has been chain-sawing up a fallen pine tree. He has the nerve to tell me that the garden behind the pond is 'in a real mess'. What garden? I'd abandoned it years ago, just letting the Agapanthus and Lamium take over. The mess is the fallen tree branches, and that's his job. Which he has just been doing. Q.E.D.