
Pale Pink Camellias
My Camellias may have their own special section, but this doesn't mean I can talk with authority about these beautiful shrubs. Most are unwanted plants rescued from other people's gardens. So please forgive my somewhat embarrassing lack of Camellia knowledge.
Two Camellias were planted in the garden when I first arrived - one bright pink, the other baby pink. I started my Camellia Sanctuary, and others soon arrived, some rescued from the nursery's bargain bin.
A batch of deep pinks and creamy whites were given as payment for music lessons. One beautiful red is planted in a pot to honour of Sifter the cat and the talented artist who painted his portrait. My Camellias may not have names, but they have connections! I hope you enjoy them.
Takanini Camellia...
- Camellia Takanini is a Japonica hybrid bred in New Zealand by well known Camellia enthusiast Neville Haydon. The flowers are a gorgeous muddy blood red in colour. They have pretty frilly centres, and in my garden they seem to bloom for ages.
Camellia Flower Images...
- Nearly all the Camellias in my garden are nameless - either their labels are well and truly lost, or they've been rescued, unwanted, from other people's gardens. Identifying a Camellia from a photograph isn't always the answer, either.
Tinsie Camellia...
- Camellia Tinsie (syn. Bokuhan) is a miniature japonica cultivar dating from around 1719. Yes, the flowers are small, but the Tinsie shrub in my garden is taller than I am. The outer petals are red, with a creamy-white centre - a beautiful colour combination for winter.
Weeping Maiden Camellia...
- New Camellias in a garden are supposed to be exciting and special. So the year after one is acquired and planted I should be ready, waiting, anticipating its blooms, eager to re-introduce myself. Hello, Weeping Maiden. Do you remember me?
Gay Baby Camellia...
- I knew that the big Camellia with smallish pink flowers on the edge of the Pond Paddock was 'Gay Baby'. I planted it some years ago, intrigued by the name. A few years ago I nervously googled it to check the other images. Yes. It's Gay Baby, alright!
Jury's Yellow Camellia...
- I am a compulsive plant rescuer. So I feel I must rescue the reputation of one of my most subtle coloured camellias, the misleadingly named 'Jury's Yellow'. This Camellia is a rich beige colour, and it's beautiful.
Spring Camellias...
- I've fallen deeply in love with my Camellias this year, 2011. It's an all-encompassing love. I love their flowers, I love their glossy green leaves, and I love their chubby flower buds. I still love them when their petals turn brown. Wow - this must be the real thing...
Nonie Haydon Camellia...
- In a mad hunt for rose labels I've found one for a Camellia called Nonie Haydon. Look for one thing, find another... I'm sure she's the new fluffy pink growing on the edge of the Driveway Garden border.
Most Beautiful Camellia in the World...
- Please, please, please... Why don't I properly record the names of my new Camellia purchases? The most beautiful Camellia in the whole gardening world is flowering at the moment - and it's nameless.
White Mansize Camellia...
- More than twenty years ago I found an old label by a Camellia already planted in my garden. 'Mansize', it said, the oddest of names for the smallish, dainty, pure white flowers that this glossy green shrub produced.
Fluffy Pink Camellia...
- Spring in the year 2004 saw the Camellias by my glass-house having their best flowering season ever. They'd taken some time to accept being uprooted and shifted into the Wattle Woods, their new forever home.
Pink Camellia with Yellow Stamens...
- Five years ago I offered garden shelter to some seriously distressed Camellias from a neighbouring farm garden. Finally in the spring of 2004 the shrubs felt confident enough to flower. One has beautiful rose pink flowers - I'm sorry I don't know its name.
Spiky Red Camellia...
- I am trying to take much more notice (and many more photographs) of my Camellias. This spiky red Camellia is a large bush which grows in dappled shade near the glass-house.
Baby Pink Camellia...
- This Camellia is a Moosey original, planted at the shady side of the house like all good Camellias should be. It starts flowering early (in July, for me a winter month) and the display lasts for weeks.
Bright Pink Camellia...
- This bright warm pink camellia (name unknown) can be seen from the house in mid-spring. It is planted alongside the car lay-by.
Creamy-White Camellia...
- This is the most beautiful white camellia I have ever had the pleasure to meet. It's one of my spring sign-posts - I look forward so much to discovering it starting to flower.