Garden Articles

Gardener and Pet Lamb
Gardeners often find it hard to talk about their gardens. I'm a bit like that, though give me a cat audience and I'll expound eloquently on any gardening topic. A bit shy, and too much to say - I guess those are the reasons why I love writing about the garden so much.
My gardening articles contain a mixture of garden realities and spiritual philosophies, personal memories, hopes for the future, showing my many gardening moods and my gardening ego (fragile at times).
I've been working in my garden for eighteen years now. I'm always thinking about the garden, working or relaxing in it, or staring at the trees or borders out the house windows. And writing!
I really am so very lucky, and I hope you enjoy reading the gardening articles I've written.
Gardening Articles 2025...
- Here are my gardening articles for 2025. Sometimes everything I have to say just won't fit into a journal page. Too many ideas. Too many plants! Just like in a garden, hee hee. Enjoy.
Gardening Articles 2024...
- Again, I'm filling my 2024 gardening journal with my day to day garden activities and thoughts. Somehow it seems superfluous to produce serious articles. I prefer to write from the heart, rather than choose a topic, do research, provide accurate information, and so on. And heart-writing is what a journal is for, yes?
Gardening Articles 2023...
- My gardening journal has rather become the focus of my garden writing. Last year any ideas I had for articles were promptly popped into my journal. Maybe in 2023 I'll be able to write witty, interesting articles again. If I do so, they will arrive, gift-wrapped with a huge bow, in this directory! We'll see...
Gardening Articles 2022...
- Here are my gardening articles for 2022. I've pinched some of the ideas from my Garden Journal. I'm allowed!
Gardening Articles 2021...
- Hopefully 2021 will be a great gardening year, full of nice surprises, and better health for the world (both people and climate). All I can do is my very best, and keep on sharing my love of my garden. Hopefully not repeat myself too much or get too boring, and have lots of sparkling new ideas, new projects, innovations...
Gardening Articles 2020...
- Here are my gardening articles for the year 2020. But will there be anything new to write about? My garden exploits have always been repetitive, and the journal contains my erratic, day-by-day gardening ramblings. A few well-crafted, focussed articles on set topics would be nice - preferably ones that don't moan about the weeds or the weather, hee hee. As in everything, I will do my best.
Gardening Articles 2019...
- The more I garden the more difficulty I have staying on one task. Gardening articles, too, need to be clearly in focus, with the writer staying on one topic. But alas - I'm becoming more and more haphazard, in both my gardening and writing habits. Oops. I'll try and do better in 2019!
Gardening Articles 2018...
- My gardening articles for 2018 are presented here. Hopefully there will be some never-before discussed topic, or an unusual and interesting slant on gardening life, maybe some quirky inspirational rambling which will be refreshing - and new!
Gardening Articles 2017...
- My gardening journal contains all my daily gardening thoughts, exploits, inspirations, and revelations. But I still like to write on gardening themes. 2017 is a prime number, and I am in my gardening prime, so let's hope that some interesting, thoughtful writing follows...
Gardening Articles 2016...
- Being a compulsive writer is a bit of a worry. Am I too boring? Repeating myself - again? Is there anything new under the gardening sun? Well, probably not, but whenever I'm thinking about the garden I have to write my thoughts down.
Gardening Articles 2015...
- Every now and then when I'm writing up my journal my thoughts fly away from the topic of the moment. Best to collect these ramblings up and pop them here, in the articles section. I love writing about my garden, and there'll always be new ways to look at the same old things. Here's my 2015 selection.
Gardening Articles 2014...
- Most gardeners always have something to say about everything they do in their garden. We're so busy creating that we can't help ideas spilling out. Maybe we'll scribble in paper notebooks, or talk out aloud while driving in the car to the nursery... Hope you enjoy my articles for 2014.
Gardening Articles 2013...
- The Moosey cats, the dog, and the Head Gardener (me) are all looking forward to an exciting, busy gardening year. Writing about the garden is always fun, even if the topics are somewhat repetitive. Gardeners are always looking at old things in new ways, hee hee.
Gardening Articles 2012...
- 2012 in my garden is going to be the best year ever. I love the changing months and seasons, and there are bound to be some new, exciting, serious and frivolous garden topics to talk about as the year progresses. Well, I hope so!
Gardening Articles 2011...
- Another gardening year, during which I will be oh so busy with new ideas, new gardens, and lots of exciting things to write about. Forgive me if there's a slight amount of repetition. I look at it this way - I'm still in the same garden, so there's bound to a bit of the same!
Gardening Articles 2010...
- I just love thinking and writing about the garden, and gardening in general. And it's all my own work... Enjoy these gardening articles for 2010. And please remember that any factual mistakes will be made in completely good faith. Oops.
Gardening Articles 2009...
- When I'm not gardening I'm writing about it, and 2009 will be no exception. I hope you enjoy my latest set of articles. There's always seems to be something new in the Moosey garden to twitter about. Sometimes - just sometimes - I suspect I may have said it all before. Oops.
Gardening Articles 2008...
- The 2008 gardening articles are promised to be many and varied. Like the plants in my garden, some will be rosy, some will be flowery and colourful, some may even be weedy. Some may not be all that original, but that's gardening for you!
Gardening Articles 2007...
- I've nearly reached the tenth anniversary of garden writing, and still seem to have far too much to say. Gardening can get very repetitive - I hope this doesn't happen to my 2007 gardening articles! Enjoy!
Gardening Articles 2006...
- Some things change, some things stay the same, and this gardener just can't seem to stop writing about her garden!
Gardening Articles 2005...
- In 2005 I start to seriously wonder if I have said everything there is to say about my garden. But there are always new flights of gardening fancy, new gardening dreams and schemes...
Gardening Articles 2004...
- In 2004 I become a semi-retired gardener, and a garden writer in full glorious flight. Not content with faithfully reporting every gardening moment in my journals, I launch into writing articles nearly every week. There is so much to say...
Garden Articles 2003...
- Garden articles from 2003 are a little thin on the ground, but 2003 was a pretty peculiar year. The Moosey Garden was on hold - my garden writing represents the lull before the storm. Perhaps I thought I'd said it all before?
Garden Articles 2002...
- Here are my garden articles from 2002. I am now a fully-feathered writer, ready to leave the nest and tackle any cutting-edge gardening topic. I've learnt that there's more to garden writing than repetitive flowery descriptions - but there's still so much I want to say...
Garden Articles 2001...
- In 2001 the topics I'm writing articles about are more floriferous. I'm no longer worried about what the gardening books might suggest - I am almost a fully independent gardener! I still have rather too much I want to say, though...</p>
Garden Articles 2000...
- These are the articles I wrote in the year 2000. I'm starting, slowly, to assert my gardening independence - gaining confidence in my creative abilities. I am a typical fledgling garden writer, with far too much to say about far too little...