Recent Garden News

 Being modest, as usual...
Head Gardener

The Recent Garden News page displays the fifteen most recent additions to Mooseys Country Garden. This should help visitors keep up with what's going on in my garden.

Gardens are always growing and changing - there's always something new to see. And, as I love writing about my garden almost as much as being in it, there'll always be some new Moosey ramblings to read, or new pictures to look at. Perhaps the garden activities of my summer will warm up a northern hemisphere gardener's winter days. I know how much I enjoy my mid-winter garden visits to summery places.

Two weeks can be a long time in the life of a garden. There's inevitably some repetition, so please be understanding if I'm saying the same things over and over again. I hope you'll enjoy seeing what I've been working on recently...

Hello, mid-March. Autumn is sneaking in. The leaves on the deciduous trees are just starting to turn colour. The little blue Asters are flowering. It's a bit dark in the mornings, a bit cooler in the evenings. I love the season of Autumn. Love, love, love it.
Music and Gardening...Music and Gardening......
If anyone out there is still searching for the meaning of life, you are most welcome to try out mine : a balance of music and gardening, with a sprinkling of cats and dogs. So easy!
Dead-heading dahlias...Dead-heading dahlias......
There's a delightfully mindless aspect to dead-heading dahlias. It doesn't require too much thought - just enough to keep the fingers well away from the secateur blades, and to dodge the bumble bees.
The start of autumn...The start of autumn......
Silly me - have just caught up with the fact that it's past the 1st March, for us the meteorological start date for autumn. No wonder summer has been arriving later and later each day. She's soooooo last season!
Between the seasons...Between the seasons......
In-between the seasons : first thing in the morning it's autumn, extra-layer cool. Then about 10:30 summer bustles in apologising - 'Sorry I'm late!', gathers up her skirts and rushes all around the garden. Like a mad gardening woman!
Closed for Summer...Closed for Summer......
Have been thinking deeply about paths. In winter, when path-side plants (e.g. Gunnera) are pruned and perennials die back, all is well - the paths are purposeful and enjoyable to wander along. But such paths become impassable in summer. I can't decide whether this is pragmatic garden management or poor garden design.
Clearing the Hump GardenClearing the Hump Garden...
Just taken the dogs and camera for an early morning wander round the lawn. Garden status : messy, but beautiful. Dew on the grass, autumn tickling the air. Dog status : sort of OK. Camera status : safe and sound.
Garden mess...Garden mess......
Yeay! Yesterday, after working hard for four hours, I actually cleaned up all my garden mess. Amazing! Wow! This may seem a trivial thing to report, but I have been very rebellious of late. Self discipline! I can do it!
Lost and found...Lost and found......
I am very, very cross. Have just wandered around my garden peering up into trees and down beside the paths. My camera has been horribly lost for a week. Look for one thing, find another? Oh yes. Found lots of weeds. Not fair.
Living things in my life...Living things in my life......
I love all the living things I share my life with. The house cats are a bit lazy, but my dogs come with me now when I'm gardening. Bumble bees are sleeping overnight on the dahlia flowers, and my tame blackbird is back.
A patchy week...A patchy week......
Another patchy week where I've been busy doing musical stuff - choir rehearsals, concerts, and so on. But each day I've watered the pots - the Cannas by the cottage, the tomatoes and flowers by the house. I reckon that counts.
Out of control?Out of control?...
Am still cleaning up the garden. I am always cleaning up! There is so much growth to - control? Don't like to use that word, but it does rather apply. And I love seeing the results. More enjoyable than cleaning up the house.
Gardening, music, dogs...Gardening, music, dogs......
I'm having a garden and music arranging day today, alternating between both. The tune de jour? What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life. And what exactly am I doing with mine? Hopefully gardening! My first task is to dead-head dahlias and trim Anemanthele grasses (they're now in seed, flopping over paths, easy to trip over).
My gardening status...My gardening status......
Today, finally, my gardening status has changed to being active again. Yeay! My work has been thorough, with attention to detail - and I've raked up all my mess. Have been clearing in the Pond Paddock gardens...
Glorious dahlias...Glorious dahlias......
Oops. Have been a bit of a non-gardener again this week. And it's time to say a polite good morning to February, the real summer month in my garden. And a gushing good morning to all the dahlias.