A silly week!

Pebbles the Dog
What a silly week I've had. I've hardly written a sentence in my gardening journal. It's been full of mainly music commitments - singing, taking choirs, writing music scores. I also 'lost' another whole weekend (the second in a row).
But at least my adult ballet recital (which was fun, and I didn't wobble at all) is finally over. Phew! Maybe never again? It's taken far too much time away from my garden.
And it's also taken time away from organising Non-Gardening Partner, and from my dogs, who would much rather be gardening than stuck in their kennels.
Looking around now, in many of the borders the forget-me-nots are scruffy, finished, ready to be pulled out. Oh dear. That means biddi-bids all over my clothes, especially my socks. I will only pull out the ones near the edge (for cosmetic reasons).
I've been taking lots of photographs (especially of the roses). And my removal of forget-me-nots and Alkanet from the edges in the Pond Paddock was going really well until one of my knees went funny. Hopeless! Had to rest it up for a couple of days because of the ballet recital.
A great excuse to leave all my mess lying around on the back lawn, hee hee, and go through all the rose photographs.

Rose by the House
Exactly how many roses are there in my garden? I couldn't possibly comment!