More roses...
Have decided that every rose in my garden deserves to be celebrated and published, with a photograph. So many roses to honour - have filled up my journal with many pictures already. But there are more! Always more. Take a deep breath...
I still have a bit of a cold. The nice thing about the garden is that one can sneeze, cough, and sniff quite rudely without fear of passing anything nasty on!

The Allotment Garden
I'm off to photograph the Rambling Rector, who is being bossy and beautiful in the Allotment Garden.

Hello Bee!
Eighty photographs later...
So what did I see? Apart from the Rector, who is happily rambling up and over his boundary fence, lots of wonderful flowery surprises : more late rhododendrons, a few bearded irises in flower (planted maybe six months ago), unknown roses flowering that I'd shifted into the Hump Garden (possibly Golden Celebrations).
Lots of bumble bees...
New roses that I'd purchased, with labels still attached, now flowering beautifully. Lots of bumble bees in the foxgloves. Amazing.
OK. A few minor issues : grass seeds and general weeds to be pulled out, and Aquilegias falling over the paths, ready to be trimmed. Won't mention the lawns that need mowing.
Later, mid-afternoon...
I went back to bed for a snooze, slept for two hours (Red Fred jumped onto the bed and snoozed up by my head, dear cat). Then I made lunch and a coffee, and went off into the garden to pull out Alkanet and annual grasses from the Allotment Garden. One of the perils of walking by taking photographs of the majestic roses. Don't look down. Aargh!

Late Rhododendrons