I've been away for the weekend - enjoyed a sleep-over at my small friend's house with the big brown dogs. Noisy dogs! Great fun! We spent a lot of time watching the bumble bees slipping in and out of the foxgloves.
Came home Sunday afternoon and launched myself into my own garden. While I was away the lawns had been mowed, and so the edges needed trimming. I weeded the front of the borders as well, so it took me ages. Out came old forget-me-nots, old Campion and Alkanet plants, and so on.
Then (oops) I left most of it behind to be collected and dumped later. My tame blackbird followed me very closely, checking for food. He/she has no fear - I reckon I could hand feed him/her if I wanted to.

Minimus my Cottage Cat
Nice to wake up in the morning back in my cottage and enjoy the noisiness of my chirping birds. Nice to be back with Minimus my cottage cat sleeping on the bed - I missed her! But slightly peeved with Speckles the stray, who has spent the last weeks rewilding himself big-time.

Hello Speckles!
Hiss, hiss, hiss...
He arrived on the verandah in the night, so I got out of bed especially to say hello. Hiss, hiss, hiss.
I put more yummy food in his bowl. Hiss, hiss, hiss. The look in his eyes was horrible, like he hated me. Went back to bed feeling very sad. And cross!
For the record, I have been feeding Speckles now for three whole years. THREE WHOLE YEARS!!! I have always been kind. I have never tried to pick him up. I have never trapped him in a cage and taken him to the scary vet. I just put food and milk out, every night. And hope that one day he might like me enough to sit on my lap and purr.