Pottering about...
Some mornings, when I should be gardening, I just potter about the house - doing the laundry, watering the patio pots, talking to the dogs about mu latest interest (the foothills of the Indian Himalayas), cataloguing yet more rose photographs... Then I might play my piano, and after that I think about getting into the garden. After a slow start I always wonder how much I'll accomplish.
Today, after the slowest of pottering starts, I managed five hours work. I wore my oldest clothes (biddi-bids from the forget-me-nots are everywhere). I followed the shade, poking around, picking up some mess, creating more. Loving the summer feeling - not too hot, birds whistling, buzzing bees, dogs just lounging around with me. No sign of my tame blackbird. Beautiful roses, by the way. I cleared forget-me-nots from the edges of the Driveway Gardens.
Tuesday 26th November
Oh yes! Took my milk bottles down the my beautifully cleaned-up drive to the gate. My goodness, it makes a difference when the edges are 'done'.

The Driveway is Cleared
Then went off for a walk with the dogs and camera. Took lots of beautiful rose photographs. And guess what I found in the orchard? The dead head of a butchered large animal, probably a stag, sitting in the grass. Thank you sooooo much, dogs. And guess what else? Someone (Non-Gardening Partner) had carefully mown around it, leaving it there for the flies to find.

Winnie is Hiding
I understand NGP mowing around self-sown flower patches in the house lawns, but not horrible dead things. So I took a photograph and attached it to an email : 'Have you seen this?'
Family friendly...
Since this is a family friendly website, I will not post the photograph. Neither will I describe in detail the features of my find. I shoved the head into a horse feed sack and put it in the rubbish. The word 'dead-head' in the gardening sense usually applies to summer roses and dahlias! Aargh!