So much going on
Oh, the garden! So much going on - flowering shrubs, shining green foliage, tall deciduous trees with their new leaves. And so many roses!
But I need to forget the roses for a while and sort out the vegetables. I've bought bags of vegetable mix and general potting mix. Here's a list :
- Tomatoes into big patio pots.
- Courgettes and pumpkin into the garden.
- Lettuces into smaller pots.
There's work to do in the gardens near the glass-house. Since the Wattle trees came down there is so much more light, and the rugosa roses (plus their friends Complicata, Fantin Latour, Winchester Cathedral, and Jaquenetta) have sprouted back into life.
Sunshine is so important. Never give up on a rose. Sometimes one might have to wait until the trees blocking their light fall down, hee hee.
Much later...
Did most of my list. Left the tomatoes in their little pots, sitting in the filled big ones - the vegetable mix seemed a little 'hot'. All ready to plant, though. Also repotted the Pelargoniums. These are brilliant for me in pots - if I forget to water them they don't seem to care.
Continued the edges around to the Pergola garden, ripping out old forget-me-nots and Alkanet etc., uncovering the new hostas (oops), and pulling out annual grasses. Then raked up all my mess and bonfired it, along with a heap of old dried rose prunings from the orchard (thanks, Non-Gardening Partner, for bring me a trailer lead and not complaining too much).

Rose, Roses...
Pleased with my stiff knee - it plodded around happily (if slowly) for four hours. When the mind is fully occupied with gardening the knee can be easily forgotten.