So many rose photographs...
I have so many rose photographs. Probably because I have so many roses, hee hee. Lucky me. And some are so much earlier (or later) to bloom than others. Funny how that happens. For me it's one of nature's magical mysteries.
Not feeling 100%, have an annoying head-cold. It was a close call - go back to bed with a book or go into the garden. Ha! The garden won. Three hours later, and I am so proud of myself.

Ferns by the Laundry Path
Fresh green ferns...
I put my little hoses on, then collected a barrow of dry mess from over behind the pond and dumped it on yesterday's bonfire, together with armfuls of fresher stuff. Also cleaned up some dead brown fern fronds, left over from winter Oops. Thought I'd trimmed them all.
Raked the remaining rose prunings on top, and immediately saw a little curl of smoke. Whoosh! Almost instant reignition. I let it get on with burning, while I dragged myself along in the shade cleaning up yet more edges. Could keep on pulling out old Forget-Me-Nots and digging out old Alkanet for days - weeks even.
Thoughts for this November...
Thoughts : My garden borders look so much better when their little stone edges are visible. They look cared for. And I cannot remember ever seeing so many annual grass seedlings which need pulling out. Easy to blame the winds, and next-doors weedy paddocks, hee hee.
My stiff knee is doing OK, but I may treat myself to a wee lie down. No sulking allowed, though...
Later, apres-gardening...
Nope. I did some more edges - this time the ones around the Jelly Bean Border, a garden which is visible from the house. All the mess is - percolating? on the bonfire. If I fall asleep in front of the TV, so be it. I've worked really hard today.
Hope you enjoy the rose photographs as much as I do. There are still quite a few to come. Oops.