The singing season...
It's a few days since I did any gardening, oops... The silly singing season has intervened, and I've been AWOL again, busy in my musical world. Sorry, garden. Tra-la-la. Knocked three more rehearsals and three more gigs off my music-to-do list. Four more gigs to go (not kidding!)

Raubritter Roses
From the weekend's semi-sublime (Handel's Messiah) through the amazingly wonderful (my jazz choir's end-of-year performance) to the nostalgic (singing Peter Paul and Mary and the Rooftop Singers at the Folk Club), my head is overflowing with musical noise. Hopefully my rather mature impersonation of Mary Travers wasn't too sad. Mind you, the audience was full of grey haired and/or bald old men...

Beautiful November
I haven't done any gardening, or taken any new garden photographs, so please accept this collection of thumbnails from November. So beautiful.