Christmas Eve 2024
It's the morning of Christmas Eve. A summery if overcast morning. Should I clean the house for Christmas? So far I've wiped the kitchen counter and washed the cat bowls. Plans - to doodle around, maybe mop the bathroom floor, do my piano practice? Or go out for a swim and coffee with my friends, be sociable and all that?
Or wrap my Xmas presents for my family (socks!), tidy up my Xmas tree (which is tiddly, only as high as my hand, and sits on a wooden chopping board). Or - here's the best idea - get my garden ready for the BIG DAY? But it's far too late for that. At least I could sweep the house patios. Then I could finish making my 2024 Christmas card. The choices are endless!

Have a wonderful Christmas
Later, lunchtime...
Am off into the garden, in case I am tempted to do any housework. Am going to trim lupins and dead-head roses along the water race.
It's turned out hot and somewhat sticky. I've filled the wheelbarrow with more trimmings and picked fresh flowers for the house vases. Am now going to read my book and ignore my messy (but flowery) house. Christmas is the holiday season, right? Happy holidays everyone. Happy holidays to me too, and to Non-Gardening Partner.