My poor garden!
My poor dry garden! The front lawn has gone straw-brown. Even the weedy periwinkle is complaining. But lovely Non-Gardening Partner has checked out the big irrigation, fixed this and that, and it's going to whooshing water onto the garden for the next few nights.

Dry Front Lawn - and a Dead Pot!
I've been bucketing water on random things which the irrigation doesn't reach, like a patch of Crambe in the Hump Garden, and the climbing rose Summer Wine which has re-spelt itself 'Summer Whine'. Fair enough!

Apple Blossom Flower Carpet Roses
A lot of the roses are now getting past their first flowering flush, and the fence-line Allotment Garden rosed like the Rambling Rector are finished. But not so the Noack Flowering Carpet roses - it's their time.
Monday 9th December
Last night the wind was horrible, so I moved back into the house to sleep. There was a vegetation fire reasonably near us, filling the air with smoke. Phew! All is well this morning - fire contained, just hot spots and helicopters, and the air has cleared.

Guarding the Loppers
Keep on watering...
So I'll just get on with my watering. Poor garden! Poor lawns! Not possible to rethink or remove the lawns in a garden this size - there's rather a lot of space. And, thankfully, rather a lot of water - a water race and a huge irrigation pond.
It's time to start trimming down the Campion and Foxgloves, both of which have finished flowering. Hopefully the wind won't crank up and be too horrible. Ha ha ha.
Later, lunchtime...
I still think I'm lucky, even if my garden is dry. I'm lucky to have a garden! I've cleared two barrowfuls of trimmings, found a break in one of my little hoses, and fixed it. No wonder the water supply was so dribbly. Now am off to weed and do the edges around the Frisbee Lawn. Will water down the length of the Frisbee Border while I'm out there. I will be in the shade - yeay!
Two hours later...
My little hoses are surely better than nothing? I have to try. Anyway, I've worked my way around the Frisbee Border over to the Viburnum shrub. I've also picked up loads of rubbish which I'd left scattered around the place. Have been using secateurs and scissors rather a lot, not so good for playing the piano. Lucky for the local firefighters - no big winds. And no smoke in the air.