A new cat?
A cat surprise - it seems that I now have three cottage cats : Minimus, my beautiful grey tabby, Speckles, a stray I've been feeding for three years, and a newcomer. Two nights ago a cat arrived on the cottage verandah. Shone a torch on it just in case it was one of the Fred cats from the house. No. Not a Fred. But not Speckles, either.

Three cottage cats
A completely new cat with a white face was eating Speckles' food. Ran off in a flash when he saw me.
A new cat visitor...
Last night I prepared two cat food servings, fed Speckles, then put the second lot out on the cottage verandah. I tried to keep watch for the white-face cat. Oops. Fell asleep. But by the morning the second meal had been eaten. Yes, I have a new cat visitor.
Early next morning...
Speckles came for his evening meal first, then wandered off. Two hour later Minimus woke me up growling. Aha! White-cheeks cat was just finishing his meal. By torchlight he looked ginger, with a very bushy tail.
The mystery of the disappearing bushy cat-tail...
So I've solved the mystery of the bushy cat tail which has been disappearing like a flash into the pond garden vegetation. I've been thinking it was Speckles being wild and silly. Oh joy. Have named the new cat 'Foxie' because of his pointy white face and bushy ginger tail. Hope he is not a she.