A tidy mind, a tidy garden...

I have to garden all day today. I just have to. I have a three-pronged plan. OK, it's going in a list. A tidy mind, a tidy garden, and all that.

 In the Island Bed.
Pink Alstroemeria

It's not the most positive list I've ever written. Hmm...

 My cottage cat.


Oh my! Feeding the cottage cats plural last night was interesting. Ginger Foxie came first, at dusk, looking reasonably relaxed, though I don't think he saw me inside the cottage in bed.

Poor Minimus!

Speckles came later, in the dark of night. At daybreak one of the Fred arrived, looking very furtive, checking out the food bowls. Then there was a Fred fight behind the pond which I had to break up. Poor Minimus! This is her territory. She is so generous.

Nearly six hours later...

Have been cleaning up behind the Stables. An interesting thing is happening here. Remember the bamboo which my plantsman friend (who considered himself such a well-informed expert) assured me was non-invasive? Ha ha ha. Its roots are romping around happily as it invades every other border within reach.

 The bamboo is on the right.
Behind the Stables

It's taken me ages (four heavy barrow loads of mess), and I have been slow and busy. I haven't dug out and shifted in any Agapanthus. But considering my mature years, and the fact that the Fred cats woke me up very early, it's perfectly OK to stop work now.

Thursday morning...

Cat news. Was nicely tired after yesterday's garden day, so went to bed in my cottage at dusk. Put one cat meal out on the verandah, got into bed with my book and cottage cat Minimus snuggling by my side.

 Yellow in the Stumpy Garden, Red in the Frisbee Border.
Two Pretty Daytlilies

Eek! Foxie and Speckles both arrived at the same time. A howling serenade ensued. Finally a compromise - Speckles went into his cat basket while Foxie ate the food. Then all change - Foxie left and Speckles sat on the doormat, staring at me through the glass door. Feed me now, please! Silly, silly cats!