Christmas Day 2024
Christmas Day! We are off this morning to visit family, and I am wearing a frock. Yes! A frock! And my new blue sandals that I found yesterday at the Op Shop. So clever and so easy to spend so little on clothes. Buying plants or gifting your money to others is much more fun.

Wheelbarrow and Line of Messes
I've taken some ceremonial photographs. Firstly, my trusty green wheelbarrow, such a wonderful garden friend. How many times have I filled it? Now that would be a statistic to cherish. Secondly, the Gunnera along the water race, which is absolutely enormous this year. I've never ever seen it grow so big by Christmas. Perhaps - just perhaps - I should be alarmed by this?

Gunnera by the Water
Both my stray cats (Ginger Foxie and Speckles) came by last night for their meals. Haven't been able to 'touch base' with Foxie as yet. But he'll learn that my clattering and chattering are connected with food, in the same place each night - a good life for a feral cat.

Favourite Red Daylily
Not really many roses are flowering for Christmas, but there are some stunning daylilies. And the prettiest yellow dandelion flowers throughout the lawns, hee hee.

Xmas Card from Speckles
Two hours of Christmas weeding along the water race border. Then a barking frenzy - found Pebbles the dog tormenting a rather small hedgehog on the Frisbee Lawn. Brought dog inside, took hedgehog some wet cat food, made a cup of tea, ate some chocolates. NGP had vacuumed the house, so the air inside was very dusty. A good reason to go back outside.
Three more hours!
Oh my goodness! Three more hours of hard work on Christmas afternoon. Dug out old Campion etc. from the middle of the Hump Garden. So much mess, and I just left it in piles. And guess what? NGP did his Christmas Chain-Sawing behind the pond. Yeay for Canadians and their lumberjack roots, hee hee. Am tired but very, very happy. And proud. So pleased with my day.
Cat Christmas
Speckles the stray has a pen-pal, an elegant urban calico cat called Pyxl. They've been corresponding on and off for a couple of years now (I'm not kidding). So Speckles has sent her this Christmas card (rather minimal in message), and Pyxl has just sent back the most beautiful photograph and eloquent letter.

Xmas Message from Pyxl to Speckles
I am including it in this journal page, just in case anyone thought I was the only daft cat 'owner' in town, hee hee.