Moany, moany...
Am ashamed when I read back over my latest garden journal pages. I am forever complaining. Moany, moany. If it isn't the old forget-me-nots then it's the heat. So? Would I really like to cancel summer?
My garden, dry with lack of rain and filled with hot blustery winds, needs my help, not my complaints.

Special Gift Roses
So far I've done two gardening sessions in the sun clearing the ground in the Hump Garden. I am determined to make a difference. And to embrace summer.
Stop moaning. Apply garden logic, find garden solutions.-Moosey words of wisdom.
Apply garden logic, find garden solutions. Old Campion develops thick root systems which I reckon inhibits the flow of irrigating water to plants that need it. So I am going to dig lots of it out. It's weedy enough to have left enough seedlings and seeds for next spring.

Kiftsgate Rose
Am inside to cool down and look at the morning's photographs. I'm loving the big rambler which sprawls up and around the driveway Gleditsia tree. Let me see if I can find its name - aha! Kiftsgate, according to my early journal ramblings. Faintly fragrant, too.

The First Dahlia of Summer
I've dug out a lot of Campion and Alkanet (which will resprout and reflower for the bees in autumn). I've shifted the hoses. Non-Gardening Partner has been fixing nozzles that are blocked, and the big irrigation will run again tonight. I've seen the first dahlia flower of summer. Yippee!