Thinking about roses...
Yesterday I had the day off, spending it away from my garden with my small friends. It was drizzling anyway - the perfect thinking day. While they tried to follow the plans to build a huge slotted-in cardboard pirate ship, I thought about roses.

Pirate Ship in a Sea of Camellias
I might dig out two of the orchard roses and replant them on archways near the house. Which to choose? Maybe the easiest ones that are modest in growth? Might need the axe. Oops - was jolted out of my rose dreams - adult assembly was required for the ship. But I was not the right adult. I couldn't fit the second mast in place. Needed an engineer, so I took it home for Non-Gardening Partner. He saw immediately what we'd done wrong.
Tuesday 27th August
Today was supposed to be a NO WEEDING ALLOWED day. I would enjoy the spring colour in the garden, not spend all day sitting in the dirt picking up little green things between my thumb and index finger. But I couldn't help myself. I did the tiniest bit of weeding by my cute little stone wall by the driveway. Then I dug up some Agapanthus clumps, divided them into suitable pieces, and planted them. A quick idea, took ages to implement.

The Allotment Garden
I also spread lots more mulch in the Allotment Garden, then popped into the orchard for a rose evaluation. Threw the big loppers at Summer Wine, Meg, and Ghislaine de Feligonde, plus overhanging branches of Hazel trees. Did I clean up my mess? No way.

Pink Prunus Blossom
Wednesday 28th August
Five hours gardening so far - general weeding with my friendly brown-blackbird and more mulch spreading on the Allotment Garden. Enjoying the first blossom from the seedling plum trees.
Now I'm going back into the orchard for the final gardening session of the day. I can do this. Whatever this is...
After two more hours...
Oh boy. The orchard roses! They haven't been pruned or fed since 2018 (I checked my journal). Six years of neglect! A huge, higgledy piggledy mess of canes, living and dead. Made a decision. Didn't dig any roses out. Got carried away doing serious pruning instead on three more archways, clearing Hazel branches to allow in more sunlight. Left everything on the ground where it fell. Anyone who creates a major mess at the end of a seven hour gardening day deserves a long hot shower, clean clothes, dust-free socks, and hand cream.

Summer Wine Rose
A mature moment...
But first, I had to locate my slightly lost cellphone. Called it from my landline. The rubbish bin (non-organics) outside the back door burst into a cheerful tinkling tune. Oops. Haven't done that before. A 'mature moment', hee hee.
Next day...
Awful wind all day - no gardening. But I went to the rose nursery and scooped up two new roses for the house archways - another Summer Wine and pink Pierre de Ronsard (who is new to me). Apparently I can 'indulge in the timeless elegance' of Pierre. Sounds pretty groovy!
And I promise to finish the orchard rose clean-up. It's not infinite. Even if I do a little each day. Right? Right. It's all about being a responsible rose grower.