Annoying plants...
Have spent quite a lot of hours removing two annoying plants from the gardens by the house : namely invasive yellow flowered Lamium and Erigernon (AKA Mexican Daisies).

Two Nuisances
I love their flowers, but they just don't know when to stop giving. Both take their garden role as ground-covers far too seriously. And I am not responsible for them growing here. Honestly!
Wednesday 14th August
After some concentrated digging and scraping the Lamium in the Island Bed is three quarters out. Now there's more room for the Hellebores, which really suit the interior of this garden. And maybe the Sally Holmes roses will be happier (I find these roses really difficult to prune successfully).

Shrubs in the Island Bed
I've also removed lots of Erigeron from the curved garden by the house bay window. Now there's room for maybe some of my spare daylilies in pots to be planted here (after I add some soil conditioner). Memo to self : get trailer load of soil conditioner. All this removal work is very hand-intensive, and my hands are feeling well-worn. But everything still works. I am really happy with my progress.
Thursday 15th August
Today after three more hours of hand-digging I trundled over to the bonfire and burnt my mess. Collected Cordyline leaves from several places to help the flames.

Tinsie Camellias
Should have half-shut my eyes when walking behind the garage. Noticed lots of little red Camellia flowers (Tinsie, nice) and lots of wet brown ferns (not so nice).

Trim the Ferns!
Told myself I can't just stop when I see something that needs doing - that would land me in a right pickle. And one does not put soggy dead ferns on a bonfire. I know there are still lots of brown ferns around in the garden which need trimming. But how come I always seem to notice them at the end of the day? I need a designated trim-brown-ferns morning.
Exciting news for tomorrow...
Tomorrow might be quite exciting - Non-Gardening Partner is going to pull down the remaining trunk of the fallen Wattle tree with his tractor and ropes. Too dangerous to do it any other way. Wow! And then he will chainsaw the wood into pieces, which he reckons shouldn't take too long. Optimist!