
Yes! I have had the best of days. What should good gardeners do? Stick to one thing and finish it? Yes! I'm close - I've stuck to one thing and almost finished it! Almost... I've been continuing my Island Bed clean-up, moving round the corner and up the side weeding and trimming things. An oval shape has corners and sides? Interesting... I've dug out some nuisance ferns, and pruned the Hydrangeas and the Flower Carpet roses (first time in years).
Crawled underneath the big pink Azalea, which is bravely putting out new flowers - replacing the first ones which were rudely burnt brown by frost. I scraped and pulled out yet more Lamium. Just the tiniest bit to go now, and the Island Bed will be Lamium free. Touch wood.
Woo hoo! Then I heard the tractor. Grabbed camera and went to look. Kerplunk! Down onto its side came the heaviest piece of the Wattle tree, ready for the big chain-saw.

Wattle Trunk Down
But it's all to do with how one finishes, rather than starts. I didn't stop there. I dutifully wheeled all my mess over to the bonfire, collected more barrowfuls of stuff I'd stashed at the side of the cottage, and burnt the lot. Sat on the damp grass watching the flames, just as the sun sank down behind the distant gum trees.
Two things :
- Where would I rather be? Nowhere else, thank you.
- What would I rather be doing? Nothing else, thank you.
Though I was rather looking forward to a shower, clean, dry clothes, and sinking into a couch.
Saturday 17th August
Ha! I'm pretty sure I've finished digging all the Lamium out. I've also trimmed dead leaves off the Phormiums, dug out some rogue Berberis shrubs, and trimmed the Miscanthus grasses. Pruned the nearby climbing roses in the Hump Garden. And all the while, the whining sounds of a chain-saw dismantling the Wattle tree trunk and branches echoed around the garden.

Wattle Rounds and Logs
Again I finished my day with a bonfire. Raked up all my mess, raked up leaves from the flowing cherry tree (memo to self : the lawn needs re-sowing later this spring), collected mess from the fence-line, and burnt the lot. Went over to check on the chain-sawing - so impressive! Excellent work, Non-Gardening Partner. You are a star.