Mister Blue Skies!

Winter Colour
Too cold yesterday. Five degrees, and very grey. No way. So I stayed inside and watched the Olympics on TV. But today, sunshine. Mister Blue Skies! Welcome to my garden. You make such a difference to the mood of my day.
So I've been happy outside, clearing the gardens at the side of the garage, staying in the sun. Couldn't do any heavy weeding - have to play the piano tonight in a gig, and need my hands not to be too achy.
Planted half a bucket of blue irises and pruned more of the roses. Dumped everything (three barrowfuls) by the fence-line. Not in the mood for the bonfire. Now I have to do some piano practice and get tarted up (ever so slightly) for my gig.
Monday 12th August
Hopeless. Didn't sleep too well - my head was too noisy with music. Wasted a bright and sun-shiny morning mooching around, then the weather turned nasty and I went back to bed. No need to comment further.

Speckles the Stray
Where is Speckles?
A note regarding Speckles the stray cat I feed. Well, I would feed him, if he bothered to come for meals. Haven't seen him for over a week now, and the last time he turned up he had a bloody ear. I'm hoping that he's OK - the winter nights have either been cold or rainy (or both). I miss him, silly cat.
Next morning...
Oops! Spoke too soon - late last night Speckles turned up for his meal! I sat with him on the verandah in the dark while he munched, slurped (his milk), smooched, and gurgled. His ear is OK - just fur loss, no infection. He is slightly sleeker in size.
Hello Fred...
My two tabby Fred cats could never be described as sleek. They are both shaped like sausages, and are rather heavy to pick up. Not so interested in providing gardening company on these colder winter days, though. Red Fred usually spends the day in bed, while Black Fred snoozes on one of the Breakfast Chairs.

Fred on the Patio Table
So the Olympics are over. No more sitting on the TV couch in the middle of the day. Time to get back to being a real gardener again. Brr...