Still flowering...

Am enjoying the Wisteria still flowering on the patio. Breakfasts at the patio table beckon - well, perhaps lunches, since these last few mornings have been quite cold.
One out of Three Ain't Bad?
For the record, this is the last Wisteria left standing from three originally planted. The others grew, spread, filled the patio with flowers and fragrance for years and years, then died. Oops.
Wednesday 16th October
OK. Three degrees Celsius. Brr... And I'm a bit sleepy - woken in the middle of the night by Minimus growling, guarding her food bowls. Speckles the stray cat was on the rug by my bed staring up at me, looking quite perplexed. Don't jump! Good on Minimus for standing up for her rights.
My Might Do List
I have a list of 'Might Do' things for today. Gentle reminders, no guilt. Might not do any of them, hee hee...
- Practice my piano - El Abaicin, Jerez - beautiful, am getting better.
- Practice my ballet dances - can't point my feet properly, not beautiful, not really getting better.
- Weeding. Choose a garden area. Sit down. Weed.
- Start chopping down that enormous Phormium - the side that sprawls out into the garden.
Later, mid-afternoon...
Did piano and ballet. Weeded in the Stables Garden for a couple of hours, just to warm up.

Then a bad moment - a mother duck squawking in the water race (which was very, very low in flow), both my dogs in there 'investigating'. Mother flew away leaving 'peep peep peeping' noises behind - eek! Ducklings! Rounded up my dogs and shut them inside. Alas, no more noises, and duck didn't return to pick up her babies.

Dandelion Seed-Head
Very cross with my dogs for 'disturbing' nature. Then, because the water flow was down, I put on my tall gumboots and spent the next two hours slicing weeds, ferns, and Carexes off the banks.
Inside now, and am still cross with my dogs. I do NOT feel like dismantling a Phormium. I feel like having a shower, washing my hair, and reading my book. I have left absolutely all my mess on the lawn. Am NOT going back out to pick it up. So there.
Friday 18th October
Yesterday I was busy, mainly at ballet, all day. And then I went out to take another choir at night (am helping out until the end of the year). This morning I'm still floating, but I've definitely come off the foils! (America's Cup reference there).
Now I have a chamber music rehearsal. Then, when I get home - who knows? A snooze? Or maybe I could pick up my mess from two days ago? That would be nice, hee hee...
Much later...
Did just that. Then planted two big pots with potatoes, weeded for ages in the depths of the Driveway Garden, and pricked out the Lavatera and organic Lettuce seedlings in the glass-house.
Better to be too busy than not busy enough?
It just might be better to be too busy than not busy enough. As long as one is busy with things that one loves doing...