Big things, little things....

 My namesake.
Welcome to Mary Rose

October in my garden is amazing on all scales. Big things like massive colour displays from the first big rhododendrons, the pink blossom trees, and the Dogwoods starting to flower.

Little things like the blue Forget-Me-Nots, Alkanet, and Periwinkle, and the white Mexican daisies. And Mary Rose's first pink flower. There's so much to see. And, naturally, there's so much to do.

Wednesday 9th October

So far today I have been changing tasks on the hour, trying to do enough of everything to feel good. Except housework - not interested in doing any of that! First my piano practice, then a session weeding in the Driveway Border, then went off for a swim.

Musically inspired...

Back home now, am musically inspired, and about to play the piano again. It's a beautiful day. Then the garden will get me again, after I've ploughed slowly through El Abaicin (Albeniz, possibly the second most beautiful piano piece ever written).

Two hours later - not the most creative gardening session I've had. Have been pruning branches off straggly Pseudopanyx and Pittosporums, pulling out grass weeds, and trying to dig out Sycamore seedlings. Ha ha! Not totally succeeding, so I've been burying my new secateurs into the soil as deep as I can and snipping. We'll see. Don't want to encourage a Sycamore forest.

Wedding Day :
Don't be put off by my poor attitude to Wedding Day. It's definitely a very robust country rose.

And doing all of this rather too close to that thug of a rose, Wedding Day, which rambles along the fence-line. Ouch. Ghastly rose, in my opinion. And very poorly named. Flowers once, beautifully, then spends the rest of the year being a scruffy nuisance.

OK. Will make a cup of tea and sit underneath the Wisteria to freshen up my mind. I can see the newly flowering pale pink rhododendrons from here, also the pink fluffy Kanzan Prunus, memorial tree for dearly departed Fluff-Fluff. It's the pink blossom tree in the photograph below.

 With flowering shrubs and trees.
The Island Bed - Spring

Bless him - he was THE best gardening cat ever. The Freds are too busy stalking and ambushing each other to bother keeping me company. Minimus is too busy snoozing, and And Buster is too busy spying on me.