Oh joy!
Oh joy! My garden brings me such joy. Must remember this, when my spirits flag at the end of a gruelling day. Gruelling? Probably a little over-dramatic. Should spend more time sitting and enjoying the colours and the greenery with my cats and dogs.

Fat Cat Fred
Today I've got the little hoses going - they're trickling rather than spraying, but at least I can start watering some of the newer plantings. I've also watered my seedlings. Must have fifty - sixty? white Hollyhock seedlings, all ready to be pricked out. Funny how that happens. Where to put them? All together, in their own white garden?
And guess what? Instead of doing any proper gardening I've been sitting on the purple seat in the shade of the leafy flowering cherry tree, reading one of my new murder mystery library books. A reward for all yesterday's hard work.
Thursday 24th October
So far this morning all I've done is walk around taking photographs. The garden looks beautiful - lots of roses are starting to bloom, as well as the mid-season rhododendrons. I've even found some fat peonies flowering.
Wandering through the Hump Garden I remember why I love Campion so much. Its pink flowers from mid-spring on make it the prettiest nuisance plant ever.

Crab-Apple Charlotte
Regarding joy...
Now there's just enough time for my personal piano practice before going off to my ballet class. Then I have yet another extra ballet rehearsal. Too many rehearsals, and not sparking nearly enough joy. Am going to apply Marie Kondo's rule to tidy up my life - will take a break from ballet for the rest of the year.
There are so many other things that I want to pour my energy into. Like music (am helping out taking another choir). And weeding my garden? Ha ha! Memo to self - dance around the garden instead.