
I thought this week was going to be a dedicated spring gardening week! Today I was busy with rehearsals for ballet and music. Oh well, I guess a busy mind and body can certainly cope. More enjoyable than practicing hand weeding!

Arrived home mid-afternoon to find the wind roaring and raging though my garden. I should do some weeding? Sorry, but it was just too noisy and unpleasant. Did some work instead on the Leonard Cohen songs I am playing in a gig soon. Am not convinced by Leonard Cohen - will say no more. Is he a poet? Is he a song-writer? Hmm...

 And a leaning gum tree. Wonder how long this one will last?
Genista Little Imp

Apart from Leonard, the most annoying thing was that the flow in the water race had been turned down. So I could have put on my tall gumboots and kept my feet dry while trimming Carexes off the banks. But I didn't. I walked around with my camera and the dogs and saw far too many weeds. Humph. I refuse to take photographs of such things.

 Memorial tree for dearly departed cat Fluff-Fluff.
Kanzan Flowering Cherry

Friday 27th September

More rehearsals! Here's my 'When I get home from my chamber music rehearsal' list. In a paragraph - lists can sometimes be too scary. So what am I going to do? Easy - weed, barrow out more mess from Wattle Woods, then start the bonfire. Then maybe do some more weeding.

Much later...

I did some weeding, then decided to slice down a rather ugly Phormium tenax from the side of the water race. Also filled another bag with broken glass-house glass. Non-Gardening Partner started taking the broken pieces of frame down. My bonfire went really well.

Saturday 28th September

Home from another ballet rehearsal! How many rehearsals can one gardener have in one week? Lots, it seems. And now, into the garden I go. First I will rest my ballet legs (ha ha) by sitting down to weed. Then who knows?

Three and a half hours later...

So that's all I've done so far - weeding. I've come inside for a cup of tea, and quite honestly I'm done with the garden for today. But I've left all my mess all over the Hump Garden path. And I must, must, MUST go back outside and clean it up. Which will probably take half an hour because there is so much. Moany moany.

An hour later...

I was good! I cleaned up my mess, picked up gum bark from around the Big Gum tree, dragged some dead pieces of tree over to the bonfire, and burnt the lot.

The Broken Glass-House :
Thanks to the Wattle trees for coming down in the night and trashing half my glass-house!.

Meanwhile Non-Gardening Partner dismantled the bent and twisted pieces of the glass-house roof, with much muttering and the occasional shout (not of joy). A fiddly job, apparently. So now the second half is more like a skeleton, open to the elements, walls intact. I don't necessarily need it filled in with glass- we'll see. Yeay! Thanks, NGP.