Spring rules

Aargh! Spring rules : I must remember to enjoy every spring day, marvel at the blossom, peep at all the daffodils, say hello to the Camellias, and the sweet little blue forget-me-nots, do my Albeniz piano practice every morning...

And try not to nag at myself, or feel despondent, or get too badly scratched by rose thorns. And in case I forget, I should also do some of the following :

  1. Pot up the Lupin divisions.
  2. Pot up self-sown Lychnis from driveway.
  3. Plant the Daylilies by the Herb Spiral.
  4. Drag out the last bags of leaf mould, scatter around.
  5. Drag the new bags of autumn leaves underneath the trees by the pond. Make sure they have holes in them.

And it might be nice if I didn't scare myself completely by writing lists of more than three items. Hmm...

Much later...

Humph. I did my best. Unrewarding work, cleaning up the orchard roses. Definitely should have been doing this every year - it's my own fault there's so much mess. Wish I could drag it straight to the bonfire (there's a short fire ban).

The weeding and planting was enjoyable, but I didn't get around to shifting the leaf mould. And oops - forgot to wash off Pebbles's duck poo, which is fading fast, hee hee.