A new week...

This new September week promises a lighter non-gardening load, and therefore there can be no excuses. Yeay! I will work really efficiently. I will finish things. And most of all I will enjoy spring in my garden.

Today I have four things to do. I should be able to breeze through them - only the first one is complicated.

 Produces lots of seedlings...
Genista Little Imp

At midday I have a social engagement - a ballet lunch. Yeay for ballet, where one can dance with dirty gardener's fingernails and nobody notices. Suspect it's slightly different at a ballet lunch!

Much later...

The list worked! I did everything (though the glass-house is not completely cleared up). Two more bags of broken glass removed, four loads of Wattle mess removed, the rhododendron Kaponga pruned (damaged when the first big Wattle came down six weeks ago), a jolly good (i.e. smokeless) bonfire.

More spring flowering shrubs...

And more lovely spring flowering shrubs to enjoy (Canary Bird rose, red rhododendron Kaka, and others). There! Well done me! And best of all, and most importantly, I did enjoy spring in my garden.