A patchy week...

Annual Flowers
Another patchy week where I've been busy doing musical stuff - choir rehearsals, concerts, and so on. But each day I've watered the pots - the Cannas by the cottage, the tomatoes and flowers by the house. I reckon that counts.
Tuesday 11th February
Did manage two hours of damp-bottomed gardening today - sitting in the dirt weeding one small compartment of the Allotment Garden. I'd mulched it and - surprise, surprise - the weeds were fewer in number and easier to remove.
I made a gardening promise that the resprouting Viburnum could stay, but I will spray it for those little mites that turn its leaves brown.

Tiger Lily
After doing a bit of my latest jigsaw and giving Winnie the dog a shoulder massage I went back outside and cleaned up my mess - two more barrowfuls. Felt so good, as if I'd rediscovered the meaning of life. Pretty silly, really.
Monday 17th February
Oops. That means I've had five days off from actual garden work. My weekend was full of rehearsals and singing performances. And on other days I've done a lot of sitting in my garden with a cup of tea or coffee, just looking around, ignoring the mess. To be fair, a lot of the garden areas are actually looking rather well-cared for. Yeay for me!

Tree greenery
This morning I worked hard in the near mid-day sun. I trimmed and collected two barrowfuls of scruffy mess, mainly old Lychnis. Weeded more of the Allotment Garden. The sun was noticeably lower in the sky, but very hot.

Renga Renga
Then I went back outside to water the Pittosporums on the fence-line. Feeling awfully sensible, I then decided to weed around them. Then I decided to mulch madly around them as well. So everything took three times as long, and I've only done three. But done properly!
Too hot...
Got far too hot, came inside to get an iced water drink, then decided to go apres-gardening and stay inside. Wow. I've worked hard today. Am so proud of myself. Lots of good decisions...
And what do I love the most in my garden at the moment? Here's my 'Most Loved' list. But actually I love nearly everything, so it's hard to choose.
- The dahlias.
- The spiky greenery : Renga Renga, Agapanthus, etc.
- The garden seats in the shade (though they all need painting).
P.S. It's good to be back - not that I went anywhere.