Garden mess...

Last of the Shastas
Yeay! Yesterday, after working hard for four hours, I actually cleaned up all my garden mess. Amazing! Wow! This may seem a trivial thing to report, but I have been very rebellious of late. Self discipline! I can do it!
I see piles of weeds
Shastas galore
They used to bloom
Not any more
And I think to myself
What a wonderful mess...
And what a wonderful mess it was! Four barrowfuls of trimmings, weeds, and dahlia dead-heads. I even pruned the Crepuscule rose on the pergola so it can actually be walked underneath without ducking and diving. Came inside feeling very proud. For once I was a well-behaved gardener. So easy - just allow time at the end of the day to clean up, yes? It's not rocket science. It's common garden sense!
Monday 24th February
Today the plan was to work my way right along the water race border garden - nearly all the Shasta daisies have finished flowering.
But first, I hung my washing out on the line, near the woodshed. Looked around me - what a glorious day.

Kiwi Fruit Vine
Kiwi Fruit vine...
And what a gloriously rampant, thuggish Kiwi fruit vine I have, twisting itself onward and ever upwards over the woodshed roof. I'd noticed it two months ago (checked in my journal), writing that I 'need to decide what to do about it'. Took this photograph, then forgot all about it.
So I spent a very boisterous hour and a half in the hot sun chopping it down and dumping the pieces under the hedge. Three barrowfuls removed.
Phew! I'm glad I put the washing out. Have rewarded self with a chocolate bar.

The Washing Line
Three hours later...
Then I chose a shady place to clear and weed - the path behind the glass-house. I worked slowly around to Rooster Bridge, And lucky that I did - found some Renga Renga pieces there in water, waiting to be planted. Did just that - put them around the edge of the Pond Paddock garden. Sprinkled a bag of leaf mould around them to help their new start.

Spot the Wheelbarrow
Confession time : I left all the mess on the glasshouse path. And one barrowload in the wheelbarrow. I just got too tired. Mentally, that is. What is it with me and garden messes? I love creating them, I loathe clearing them up.
Garden messes : I love creating them, I loathe clearing them up.