Clearing the Hump Garden

Just taken the dogs and camera for an early morning wander round the lawn. Garden status : messy, but beautiful. Dew on the grass, autumn tickling the air. Dog status : sort of OK. Camera status : safe and sound.

 Check out those tidy edges!
WInnie the Dog

The ornamental grasses are seeding, the ratio of dead-heads to flowers on dahlias is 3 : 1. Many roses are blooming again. Today I'm going to start in the Hump Garden, clearing paths and trimming, dead-heading the dahlias etc. The sun's just up, and it's very buzzy in there. Love those busy buzzy bumble bees, will enjoy working in the middle of the flowers.

Two hours later...

Oh my goodness! So much growth, and so many things that need trimming. There is much happiness in the Hump Garden.

 Before being trimmed.
Anemanthele Grasses

Have made a great start - three barrowfuls, lots of Anemanthele grasses trimmed back, The Active and Pat Austin (both of who are amazingly happy roses) dead-headed, lots of Gleditsia suckers chopped off. Have also weed-killed the sorrel, sorry about that.

Oops. The rose Woodsii Fendleri is suckering all over the lower path, and the striped Phormiums alongside are way too big. I love this rose, and I love the Phormiums. What to do? No contest - the path goes. I'll remove its edges and clear away the weeds. Nobody will know it was ever there except me, and I never used it anyway.

 The non-climbing variety - very neat and tidy!
Cecile Brunner Roses

Three hours later...

Blast. I was full of good path removal intentions, but first I decided to clear more of the garden's edge. I created and collected two more barrowfuls, then cleared a different little side path. And then I scraped my hand on a stick. Ouch!


Had to come inside to clean and plaster it. Thin old skin - but it's served me well for quite a number of years. I don't wear gardening gloves, and anyway my hands were getting a bit achy from pulling out weeds. It was a sign to stop? I'll take it!

The Hump Garden is a joy to work in. Don't care that it's a bit weedy and the paths cause a wee problems. The shrubs and trees love growing here, and that's the best thing ever.