Lost and found...

Shrubbery Path
I am very, very cross. Have just wandered around my garden peering up into the trees and down beside the paths. My camera has been horribly lost for a week. Look for one thing, find another? Oh yes. Found lots of weeds. Not fair.
Thursday 20th February
No luck. Came back inside to make a cup of coffee (and to sulk). Humph. So here's the plan. Pack my car with everything needed for later (two music rehearsals, the ballet run, then a choir to take in the evening). Then change my clothes (YES!!!) and do an hour's weeding around the Herb Spiral. Keep looking for my camera.
An hour later...
Hopeless. Now I've managed to lose my favourite hand digger. Decided not to clean up my mess. Let it all stay where it has fallen, I say - that'll teach me for losing things (?). Am now thinking that my camera might have been mulched. This would be really embarrassing. And I often hang it randomly in trees, to keep it safe. Ha ha.
Next day...
Oh joy! Found it! My camera was inside my old swimming bag. Whatever for? And found my hand digger. I've done a good hour of happy gardening, and Non-Gardening Partner has gone off to buy me a new phone (old one had no memory left). Order is slowly being restored...
Saturday 21st February
Right. I have mess to clean up. And weeds to pull out, and old Lychnis stalks to trim. And I have a camera with which to take new photographs! Of the mess? Maybe not.
One hour later...
Blast. I'm too hot already. Have only collected and dumped two barrowfuls of mess. Have started trimming the Shasta daisies, nipping of the few flowers that are still OK for a house vase. Will cool off inside and then return to a shadier place.
I'm so happy that my camera has been found. I have lots of pinks and blues to share, hot off the camera card, so to speak.

Blue Flowers
Oh happy day! I've just worked hard for nearly three more hours, clearing the long edge of the garden from Middle Bridge up to the glasshouse, then down towards the pond. I've pulled out rogue Aconites and trimmed Ligularias (must remember how much the bumble bees love their flowers). I've cut down more Shastas and dug out lots of weeds. And dead-headed more Dahlias.

But I've left all my mess on the lawn. It's late in the day and I don't care. Again I'm breaking one of my New Year's Resolutions, but I've already broken two others this week. Yesterday I called Pebbles the dog a very rude word (and it wasn't 'bitch'), and I didn't brush my hair (am supposed to do this every day).