Crikey - It's December!
Crikey - it's December. Have spent a day and a half in bed with Covid. Nasty virus. Got up at lunchtime today to do some gardening. Nice to be out in the garden again. Will take it easy.
Saturday 2nd December
Weeded more of the Driveway Garden, then wandered over to the new burning heap and cranked it up again. Since Non-Gardening Partner spent his Covid isolation week chain-sawing, thought it was time for me to shape up... The end of the Hump is much improved, with much of the mess cleared and burnt. It almost looks gardenable! And the daylilies I transplanted in the front of the nearby Hump Garden are very happily blooming - obviously this is the perfect position for them.

Lots of Special Gift Roses
A rose called Special Gift missed my rather random pruning regime and has gone absolutely mad. It must have rambling genes? The local nursery (the only one to stock it) describes it as 'rudely healthy with plenty of flowers'. They do not give any breeding information. Hmm...
Thanks to the kindness of daughter dropping off a food parcel we had THE most amazing Lasagne for our evening meal, washed down with Kombucha. Then we went on a very slow train in Brazil. NGP got bored, I just got very sleepy. Rather nice, though. Have been feeling sleepy all day.

Daylilies in the Hump Garden
Good morning. It's Day Four since I tested positive for Covid (the Fifth Wave for New Zealand, according to one of my friends). I am about to take my own advice - to do half as much gardening as I would normally do. Which just about covers anything from two to six hours work, hee hee. First I'm going to dig the Alkanet out of the Allotment Garden (not all the roots - this way it will re-flower for the bees). Then I'll take stock.
Much, much later...
I don't think I took my own advice. Started off OK - did an hour and a quarter's weeding in the Allotment Garden. After lunch I wandered over to the Hump and reignited the bonfire. Slowly but surely worked away, trimming pieces of tree mess and burning them. Oops - did about four hours work (but I had two wee rests in the middle).

My New Garden Area
Then NGP arrived to do the final (almost) chain-sawing. He is going to leave the thick pieces of pine - perhaps a family member might like them? Aha! A Christmas gift...
Sunday 3rd December
This morning NGP and I went for a contactless drive in the car (so old-school) to deliver a paddling pool for the baby. Then he vacuumed the house (yeay!) while I went outside to weed around the house gardens. The idea was that the southerly would arrive (with cold winds and rain) and drive me inside. Three hours later, and no change in the weather. Decided to be sensible and stop before I was completely tired out. But I want rain. Maybe I have magic fingers, and by typing sentences about the rain I can tease it into starting.