Two exciting things...
Two exciting things are happening. Number one : I'm creating a vocal arrangement of a Miles Davis song for my jazz choir. So What? That's the name of the song, hee hee.

Big Brown Escher
Number two : the brown dogs are coming tomorrow for a Dogs' Day Out and Sleep-Over! Oh joy! Super exciting!
Friday 14th December
Yesterday I spent four hours weeding, shifting the Camellias (easily done), planting the new shrubs, and barrowing in mixtures of old forget-me-nots, wood chips, veggie mix, and horse manure. I am happy with this little garden (it's just below the glass-house). I now wait to see if the shrubs I've planted therein are happy.
I have big plans for the four piece dog pack (am about to go and pick the brown dogs up). We can go for walks in the garden and pick flowers for the house! Yeay for the beautiful Compassion roses. We can trundle horse manure and wood chips around. Yeay for my new green wheelbarrow!
Later, lunchtime...
Escher's country nose has already got him into trouble. I lost him, and finally he reappeared with a bone in his mouth. Aaargh! And did he want to obey the very clear 'dogs inside' instruction? Oh no. So I followed him following his nose around the Frisbee Lawn, collected up pieces of an animal skull (?), and some stinky fur. Country life is not all gingham shirts and flower gumboots, right?

The Four Piece Dog Pack
I love Escher very much, even if he has become a slightly stubborn old-man-dog. He is twelve years old - older than me. We are both allowed to go a bit slower, I reckon. Trying to take a pack photograph is interesting.

Escher, Old-Man-Dog
Aha! The smallest of breakthroughs. 'Treats for dogs' seems to work! Small comment. We've been having a lot of mass barking sessions. Guess who are by far the worst, the noisiest, and the most difficult to stop? You've guessed? My dogs Winnie and Pebbles.
Saturday morning...
Got up quite early so the brown dogs could pee and poo, as dogs do. The collies are in the hallway, barking again. Would have my work cut out if these four dogs lived here permanently. Eek! That's one of the nice things about a garden. A badly behaved garden doesn't bark at you!
We are back off outside to test out the Hump Garden paths and to take some more photographs. Will take some treats in my pocket. Loving the daylilies and the later flowering roses. And all the delicious greenery. Mustn't forget the irises by the water race. Hope Escher doesn't find any more dead things on the lawns.
Much later...
Aha! The dogs have gone home, and the cats are all back. Country life is back to normal. Normal? What's normal?