After Christmas...
Boxing Day is our usual Christmas Holiday celebration day. But this year we didn't have Dogs' Day Out at our house and garden. We left our collie dogs in their kennels and visited the brown dogs. Had lots of fun playing with Baby E, who is a hoot. If only everyone smiled half as much as he does!
Not everyone's cup of tea...
Then a quick tour of the baby's garden. Enjoyed the self-seeded red poppies, the yellow sunflowers, and a really pretty rose called Green With Envy. 'It is not everyone’s cup of tea', according to the NZ Rose Society. I loved it.

Green With Envy Roses
When we got home I did two solid hours weeding in the Hump Garden. Three more barrowfuls of mainly Campion have been dug out and dumped. And just as I was finishing up, the skies turned dark grey and down came the rain. Nature and me are often the best of friends - particularly when we get our timing right.

Olearia Hedge Trim
Good morning. A lovely overcast day - perfect for Non-Gardening Partner to finish trimming the Olearia hedge and for me to continue (note I do not use the word 'finish') weeding out old Campion plants. Who would have thought the Hump Garden to have so much Campion in him? (Attributed to Lady Moosey Macbeth).

One and a half hours later...
OK, one more barrowload dug out. But it's a bit drizzly, and too wet to sit down in the dirt in the garden. So that's quite enough bending and lunging for one session.
RIP Wisteria
Odd. The second of three Wisterias planted by the patio pergola years and years ago has died. Withered leaves have fallen all over the patio table. So I spent two more hours chopping it into pieces for the bonfire. Blame a fungus, I reckon, coupled with an over-zealous pruning at the wrong time of the year. Yes? No?
Barrowed all the pieces over to the bonfire. Had to leave pieces of twirly mini-trunks wiggling around the pergola post.
Summertime cricket...
Then I took a drink up to the top of the lawn and read some of my book. There's summertime cricket to watch (and Australia versus Pakistan to listen to) - time to rest up and relax. I left NGP on his own to rake up and burn the Olearia hedge trimmings. Oops. A bit naughty.