Just in case...

Rambling Rector
Good morning. Am embarrassed to report that my weekend choir sing-outs were a raging success with respect to sharing Covid as well as sharing the love of jazz music. Pretty sneaky virus.
Just in case...
So this week I am keeping myself to myself, just in case. That means I have all the time in the world to finish weeding out the forget-me-nots. Right? Hmm...
Or I could clean the house, change the sheets, sweep the patios, and so on. Hmm... Then again I could continue writing my new jazz arrangements for my choir for next year. Here in my house Non-Gardening Partner is home for the week after a Covid positive test. No lounging in bed for him, though - he's been throwing firewood on the trailer and chainsawing.
Aha! That's what I could do today! Start clearing up the remaining gum and pine tree mess in the Hump, wheel loads over to the bonfire, and burn it all. Before the fire ban comes into place. Sensible. Working around the seasons and the conditions - today is rather cool and damp.
About five hours later...
Wow. Made the best decision ever - to burn the mess where it was, in the Hump. Cleared a spot and put on the hose. NGP helped me, and together we burnt a huge amount (all from the tree felling that was done in spring). Red Fred also hang around, being really good cat-company. It would have broken my spirit to have carted everything over to my regular bonfire.

NGP reckons I smell like a smoked kipper (funny - I thought Covid affected one's sense of smell). But just in case, I will have a very soapy shower and wash my hair.
The roses are still amazing. I keep finding more in flower, while it is almost time to start dead-heading the earlier ones. The times where the garden looks exquisitely beautiful are rather ephemeral. Though I found a pink Camellia still in flower by the glass-house. What? And a very late blue rhododendron in the Stumpy Garden. Such blessings.

Bonfire in the Hump
What a groovy day! Doing work that just has to be done, keeping going, getting bored, not wandering off - just keeping going some more.
Thursday 30th November
Another day staying at home 'just in case' (I keep testing Covid negative). No cafe coffees, no ballet, no visiting my lovely family. Just being sensible and organising Non-Gardening Partner, preferably into outdoors activities, where he can cough and splutter into the fresh air, hee hee...
So what to do today? Sadly, my head feels fuzzy and I feel like going back to bed. Aargh! There might be a reason. Have just tested self for Covid. Positive! A great excuse to snuggle back into bed. Goodnight!