Stern words...

Stern words - I have to to continue my clean-up of the Welcome Garden. So I have written a stern list. It's a bit daunting, but all items allow me to sit down on my bottom. So I will be reasonably comfortable for a lot of the time. Here goes :

Sorry to interrupt - have to mention that these two items alone will probably take me two full days. But the list must go on. And there's no point in hedging around trying to make a horrible, over-sized, tougher-than-old-boots Phormium seem smaller and easier to work with.

So there it all is. Easy to write about, a bit scary to contemplate.

 Lots of space to plant more Agapanthus.
Interior of the Welcome Garden

So I wrote all that yesterday, when I was fired up with ideas, but no time to do put them into action. And now, today, I'm already drinking my second cup of tea and gazing out at the fog.

Fog gardening?

Fog gardening? I can do fog gardening? Of course! Time? I have all day, and no spare dogs to look after. Will change into my gardening clothes.

 One day it will crash to the ground.
Leaning Gum Tree

Two hours later...

Right. First of all, fog is wet, and drippy, and winter fog is cold. But I knew that. Secondly, this garden area is huge, too big for a list. Thirdly I've seen more tree-trimming work for the chain-saw than for me.

Scary gum tree...

It's been slightly overwhelming. For example, the green species Phormium is directly underneath a scarily leaning gum tree, under which I'm not happy to work. Another chain-sawing job.

So I've come inside for lunch and a coffee, and a flick-through of a book on Hutting in Scotland. Guess what? No foggy winter pictures. It was all summery, and talked about day visits with the occasional overnighter. Very picturesque, though.

Back into the fog...

Now back out into the fog I go. Head down, don't look around, stop thinking, just keep on clearing. But - and this is most important - cart everything over to the bonfire. And when it gets too cold, start burning.

Much later...

Yesterday was brilliant, four hours in total. Cleaned up three large Phormiums, chopped down some smaller Tagasastes, pulled out clumps of grass, uncovering some healthy plantings of Agapanthus. Burnt most of the mess.

 Stay home, Pebbles!
Pebbles the Dog

Part of my dog-proof fence (to deter Pebbles from going next door) has fallen over. Memo to self - fix dog-fence. No need to put it in a list. Just do it.