Gnomes versus bathrooms...
Some lovely friends are visiting, and they want to look round the garden. I have a choice - clean the bathroom? Or check all the gnomes by the pond, making sure none had fallen over?

Gnomes in Disarray
Guess what I did? Hee hee. Gardeners are allowed to have muddy bathrooms, but my goodness! The gnomes cannot be in disarray.
Looking good for mid-winter...
My visitors didn't really say much about the gnomes, but they thought my cottage looked cosy. They said it was obvious that I worked very hard in my garden. Actually, I thought that it was looking pretty good for mid-winter. I was proud!
Sunday 30th June
So this morning I sang in a wonderful Byrd Mass (the four part one - so groovy), then zoomed home to work in the Wattle Woods. I dragged out the dead Wattle branches and burnt them. Lopped smaller cuts and put them in a bag for firewood. The wood is very dense.

Winnie and Me
Birds, cats. dogs...
My friendly blackbird hopped around my feet, poking and prodding the ground. What a bird! He followed me to the bonfire, where my black cat Buster was spying on us from high on top of the pergola. Pebbles got bored, and Winnie lost two tennis balls. My bonfire was a flaming success!
Monday 1st July
Yeay! I've had another wonderful day. I spent all morning - four hours - just cleaning up. I dragged loads of burnable mess from underneath the Leyland hedge, picked up pieces of gum bark off the lawn, collected dead Cordyline leaves.
Pretty soon my bonfire re-ignited, so I seriously trimmed the large Berberis in the Dog-Path Garden, chopped it into manageable pieces, and burnt the lot. Horrible, horrible thorns...
Attention to details...
Got my hammer and reattached the wire-netting to Middle Bridge (don't want to trip up and fall into the water). Cleaned up the Gunnera mess by Willow Bridge, and trimmed the Phormium behind by the garden bench. Decided that I would be a better gardener if I treated each Phormium as if it were the only one - cherished it, trimmed off its dead leaves, and so on.

Had blackbird company again. My bird friend is so much more interested in me than my dogs. OK, I know why that is. But it's very sweet!