Hard work, sore shoulders

Watching the Bonfire
Nothing magical or reflective about today's bonfire, and no dreamy moments spent contemplating life while gazing at the flames. Just stinky hard work and sore shoulders from raking up gum leaves.
Friday 7th June
So I've been bonfiring all day, picking up stuff from various random places - dried Gunnera leaves from around the Car Bridge, gum leaves and bark from behind the Stables, more bark from around the Hen House, dead Cordyline leaves from Middle Garden's beautiful Cabbage trees. This way I don't have to finish clearing up in any one specific location, hee hee.
Then I planted the rhododendron in the Driveway Border, watered and mulched it. Also remembered to dig up clumps of pink Japanese Anemones which were planted in there, and have potted them up. But today is so much more about what I haven't done. Aargh!
Haven't planted my new tulips yet, or the new Camellias. Haven't started raking up the oak leaves in the Pond Paddock (I really meant to do this). Haven't gone back into the Wattle Woods to edge the path with Agapanthus (my good idea from last week). Haven't properly prepared for the Bach B Minor Mass I am singing in - have only gone through it in my head earlier in the morning with my pencil. Hmm...

New Rhododendron
Off to rehearsal...
And now, after a shower and an early meal, I have a three hour singing rehearsal to go out to. I hope I don't disgrace myself, musically speaking. I ask myself if Bach is worth all this hoo-hah? Normally I would answer 'yes', but he writes instrumentally for singers, and doesn't seem to know when to stop anything. Hmm...
Sunday evening...
Phew! The big Bach weekend is over. The concert was grand - a huge orchestra including timpani, three trumpets, and two bassoons, some wonderful counterpoint, masses of semiquaver runs, chromaticism of the highest order. Bach showing off bigtime. And I sang OK - got all my entries, only got lost once.
And now it's Sunday evening and it's drizzling again. I'm in my cosy house with my head full of semi-tones and diminished fifths. Rather noisy!