
The Last of the Coloured Leaves
It's been a damp, grey week, not at all conducive to gardening. I've been very garden-lazy. Have thought a little about getting wet in the water race, or getting muddy weeding. But have these ideas transformed into actions? Nope.
The biggest frost so far...
Stayed busy by writing music, cooking nutritious meals, visiting the library, visiting the family, and so on. To be fair the mornings have been too cold for me to be happily active outside. We had the biggest frost of the season two nights ago - about five degrees Celsius.
But I've also been very naughty. I love train travel - the stations, the scenery, even watching the train tracks. But I don't travel any more, preferring to stay at home to - supposedly - do my garden. Have been hopping around Europe on Youtube train videos - wonderful fun. And this takes up rather a lot of time. Oops.
So every time I walk past my new packets of tulip bulbs waiting to be planted, and the new pink Camellias, I feel guilty. But have I done anything about this? No.

Dog rubbish
Bored dogs...
My dogs have very bored with me, though they've made up for it by depositing a few more pieces of old dried deer pelt on the house lawn (see photograph, sorry if this offends). Have checked the neighbour's rubbish pit - no sign of anything. A puzzle which only a dog-go-pro can solve.
Promise to sort myself out. Tomorrow I will do some gardening, even if it's raining. And no more naughty Youtube videos. And please, dogs, no more rubbish.