Brr... It's a cold June day with intermittent drizzle, a bit bleak. The log-burner is going, so inside my house it's toasty warm. Outside it's not (it's seven degrees Celsius). Inside versus outside? Brr...
Monday 5th June
But I have a plan : to change into my warmest gardening clothes, then take the dogs out for a wander in the Shrubbery, where Non-Gardening Partner did more chain-sawing a couple of days ago. Then venture even further in, where the paths used to be, to check out the shrubs hidden in there. And if it's too cold to stop and do any proper work, well I was only taking the dogs for a walk, right? Important not to lose face...

Abandoned Garden Bench
Actually, an inventory of what's still growing in the very back of the Shrubbery is long overdue. I know that the large clumps of Agapanthus will still be there - nothing stops Agapanthus from growing.
Fifteen minutes later...
Eek! It was just too cold to stay outside. And the back of the Shrubbery was very wobbly underfoot. If it wasn't an old path edge log buried in the periwinkle ready to trip me up, then it was that periwinkle itself, wrapping itself around my foot. Oops.
Took some shrubby photographs (see above), then Winnie lost her tennis ball and the wind started biting at my legs. Found an old abandoned garden bench. Oh dear! But the Pseudopanax were thriving, and I counted four Cream Wave Phormiums - brave, darling things, still alive.
Plans to refresh...
Now I have plans to refresh this rather wild and beautiful area. On the next warm-enough day I will lay down a minimal periwinkle-free path network, to pass by all the beautiful shrubs. NGP can chain-saw all unwanted scruffy Pittosporums etc. Easy as! With concentrated mind gardening one can achieve great results incredibly quickly.