An exercise in moderation...
I'm thinking that today could be another exercise in moderation garden day. It's a bit damp, perfect for scooping oak leaves on the Pond Paddock into bags. And I want to widen the Pond Paddock garden just a little - re-curve the stone edge. I'm allowed! The lawn grass is pretty hopeless here in the shade, even for a so-called paddock.
Spex, AKA Speckles
Am seeing a lot of Speckles the stray by the cottage lately. Have just had breakfast with him. Winnie the foodie dog now comes to watch us from a distance, but brave Spex (his pet name) just keeps on eating. He's been very smoochy of late, though I can never quite trust him not to revert to hiss-mode. Or worse, claw-swipe-mode. Oh, the perils of old skin!

So today's plan is to relax over a second cup of tea, then change into gardening clothes and launch myself. My trajectory will be pretty cruisy. I expect to get a muddy, wet bottom. Not a problem.

Oak Leaves in the Pond Paddock
Three hours later...
That's enough. I've done the new Pond Paddock edge, raked up lots more oak leaves, splattered fistfuls onto the new garden area, shifted in two Phormiums in pots, and made a start trimming the Carexes next to the pond decking.
Haven't felt one hundred percent committed, whatever that means. Possibly it means energetic? The ground is very, very soggy and everything I touch is slimy. My hands and clothes are green. OK. Nothing that a hot shower won't fix.
Wednesday 21st June
Wow. What an amazing gardening afternoon I've had. Started out sensibly, sitting on a large plastic bag, keeping my bottom dry. Modifided the edge of the Pond Paddock a little more, laid more stones, raked leaves and put them on the new garden, then went into the Pond Garden to cut down overgrown Carexes.

Ballerina Roses
And here's where things got more and more soggy. Lost my large plastic bag, ended up completely drenched, with the wettest bottom. At one stage over-balanced and half fell into the pond itself - legs, feet and shoes in the cold water. Oops.
Had problems underneath the Ballerina roses, got lots of superficial wounds on my hands. Ouch! And then I lost the bread-knife. I'd sneaked it from the kitchen cutlery drawer. Oops again.
Had big plans to plant things in my new strip of garden. Not today. Only half-cleared the path behind the flowering Cherry trees. Never mind. Other items on my soggy paper list were by-passed and/or completely ignored. Oh well. Got far too wet and cold to clean up my mess. Sorry about that.

Cream Delight Phormium and Anemanthele Grass
By the way, I've noticed something. I grow a lot of Cream Delight Phormiums all through my garden. Perhaps this is my signature plant? Beautiful colours for winter.