Damp and drizzly...
Blast! Another damp and somewhat drizzly day, and I honestly was going to spend a lot of it gardening. I had visions of dryness, maybe some sun. Alas, not to be.
A wet June...
For the record, this June has been very wet. No huge rainstorms or flood issues for us, just dribbling rain and drizzle most days, with grey skies (not that grey skies can't be amazingly beautiful). Soggy lawns and borders, dripping shrubs.

Weeping Maiden Camellia
And me with big plans to dig huge holes for some fully grown Camellias along the edge of the Wattle Woods - ha ha! Where exactly will I source these? Am thinking white, early flowering, inspired by the Weeping Maiden in the Septic Tank Garden. I will pay for them with vouchers (arriving in the post any day).
Tuesday 27th June
Some days I have impeccable timing. Like today! The morning was dull but not too cold, so I went outside to do my winter gardening quota (three to four hours). Collected up firewood logs, then kept on clearing and organising the Pond Paddock gardens.

Trimmed Aconites (the above photograph shows them flowering back in autumn), relaid the stone edge of the Apple Tree Border to fit around a rather large self-sown green Phormium. Wow! When did this get so big?
The story of my gardening life...
The story of my gardening life - I must have wandered around with my eyes shut for the last couple of years. Or maybe I'm just not that observant anyway?

Oak Leaves
Sooooo many oak leaves...
Raked up lots more oak leaves and put them in bags (there are sooooo many oak leaves this year), cleared Lamium off another path, dumped four barrowfuls of mess behind the pond. Thought about trying to light the bonfire - no, the wind was too gusty. Picked up all my tools and wandered inside just as it started to rain.
How lucky am I? Winnie the dog kept me company the whole time. We lost her tennis ball a couple of times, but she was very patient. No rude barking. Good girl dog, Winnie.
Thursday 29th June
Wow! Sunshine! And no rain, or drizzle. It's been the first dry day for a while. Have only done about two hours gardening - weeded and cleared gum leaves out of the side house border, trimmed Mexican daisies, dahlia stalks, etc. Threw Winnie's ball. We both had a great time.

Winnie the Dog