What a day!
What a day! A glorious day! There I was in my waders near the Plank, cutting and slicing, heaving ferny mess up onto the lawn above the water race. Was getting seriously puffed - the sky was blue, the garden deliciously green, the mess was very heavy.
Came inside for a refreshing cup of tea and a few moments of calm and serenity. No sign of Non-Gardening Partner, who had indicated that he might finally be available for some chain-sawing.

The Ferns Are Gone!
Went back in the water to dig up the Acorus (which had spread out a bit) and replant it on the bank. It still has its roots in the water, though. Noticed some brown bits of vegetation floating past. Hmmm. Someone upstream was doing the same sort of clean-up as I was. Then noticed small pieces of dead ferns. Aha! Saw a person's head up past the Gunnera. My person! Yeay! NGP had his chainsaw going.
So groovy - the huge fern clumps were out. Grabbed him before he could lose interest, pointed him towards a sad Forest Pansy tree, some dead bits on the Deutzia, and a huge grass stump. Finally lead him to the sprouting willow tree stump. I could see he was losing momentum. So why did I need these removed? Aha! I was ready for this. I needed to be able to see the beautiful flowering rhododendrons from the back house lawn. Phew.
After all this excitement I just didn't have enough energy left to collect all the mess and burn it. Pity, because winds were forecast for the next day. Came inside feeling very happy (it doesn't take much).
Next day...
Yes, far too windy, but I've got the mess all sorted into piles. Now, for something completely different, I'm going into the water race again. The plan is to continue building the little stone wall by the deciduous Azaleas (which are wonderful), using my sharp spade (carefully). Then I will barrow more horse manure in, and think about buying another waterside shrub to fill the gap left by the Forest Pansy tree.

Autumn Forest Pansy
Later, mid-afternoon...
I've finished the little wall and filled in behind it with mud and dirt. I've also cut out more ferns. My results are not quite so spectacular as NGP's, though.
Footnote : RIP Cercis Forest Pansy
Very sad, but the Cercis Forest Pansy has been suffering for years, dying back a branch at a time. This photograph was taken in the autumn of 2005. I will miss its flaming autumn leaves, though the late spring blossom has always been rather subtle to spot.
I feel a little guilty even chopping down a solitary tree when there's a world climate crisis conference going on, with talk of reforestation. So how about a replacement? Possibly yes, but I'd plant it in the Hump Garden near its green leafed brother.