A potting session is needed...

Canary Bird Roses
All of a sudden I need a major potting session. And this requires potting mix. I know I could create my own. Or even order in a huge truckload, to be dumped by the fence-line, potting mix for ever. But the modular (and possibly lazy) me likes to buy bags - so much easier to cart around. And no guilt when they haven't been used up for months.
Mind the gap!
My 'Create My Own Plants' Programme is suddenly in full swing. When there is a gap - shock! horror! a garden gap! - there's no need to race off to the nursery (unless I am buying bags of potting mix, see above for justification). Here's a list of things I must then do :
- Pot up the Anemanthele seedlings - they're in the path by Rooster Bridge.
- Pot up the green Carex seedlings - they're behind the woodshed in the lawn.
- Prick out the first seedlings in the glasshouse.
And there are lots of Lychnis and red Orach seedlings in the driveway which are begging to be rescued. A good gardener makes full use of that which nature has blessed her with, yes?

Blossom in the Driveway
Later, Mid-Afternoon...
I got the potting mix on the way home from my Silver Swans ballet class. Important bits of my body were very dodgy in class - heavy legs and grumpy knees, in particular. But the fun is in trying, yes? Could be worse, yes? Nice arm movements, with the tilt of the face and line of the neck so appealing...
I used up one large bag - the tables at the back of my glass-house are now filled up nicely with new green plants. Then, fortified by a cup of tea and two spoonfuls of peanut butter (oops) I barrowed six loads to the bonfire and lit it. Have been cleaning out the piles of dry rubbish next to the Pump House. Found a lost hand digger and a claw shaped scraper. Yeay!
Friday 1st October
Aha! Today is apparently the Day of the Older Person. And this older person has woken up to the fact that there is a difference between Shrub and Tub mix and Potting mix, as sold in her local garden nursery. The former is not suitable for my seedlings. Had to go back to the nursery to buy some of the finer mix. Potted up spiky orange Calendulas and purple Cornflowers. Lots and lots. Mass plantings of orange and purple - very complemetary, hee hee.

Calendulas and Cornflowers
Three nice things about today :
- Handel chamber music in the morning.
- Older Person's Day lunch with my friend who is older than me.
- Spring flowers, especially the big pink rhododendron.
- Raspberry Sorbet for a dessert treat, Thank you Non-Gardening Partner.
Oops. That's four things. Us older persons can find life (and nursery potting mixes) quite confusing...

Big Pink Rhododendron