Reintroduced to my garden...

Buster the Cat
After a bumper couple of days working in the garden, I've enjoyed a couple of days off, because it's been raining. This has been perfectly timed for my new plantings, and for spending time with lovely visitors.
Miss Buster, Spy Cat
This afternoon I reintroduced myself gently into the garden. I planted two rows of potatoes in the Hump Garden, watched sneakily by Buster the black cat (Buster thinks she is a spy). Then I potted up seedlings and spare plants in the glasshouse. Something very odd has happened, though.
The only seeds to germinate have been the multi coloured beets, marigolds, lettuces, and calendulas. Most other pottles are looking bare. It is what it is - but I'm not sure what that is, to be frank. All seeds have had the same care and attention, and all were from freshly purchased packets, or home collected just last season. Hmm.

Periwinkle Blues
Wandered around dodging the drippy foliage taking photographs. Eek! Immediately discovered yet another garden area needing immediate attention. The path in the back of the Shrubbery has been badly 'periwinkled'. Pretty blues, though, and some bumble bees are buzzing around them.

Self Seeded Genista
Clouds of Genista have totally taken over the skies above. Pretty yellows. All from two bargain bin plants called Genista Little Imp. Little imp indeed! Just checked. Bought the plants in 2008. Oh my. Thirteen years it's taken them to run riot...
Thursday 7th October
OK. I'm off to my Silver Swans ballet class. Hope the legs and knees behave better than last week. When I get home I'll sort out that path.

Flowering Cherry Kanzan
Garden (and camera), please note : the last blossom trees are just starting. Yeay! Wind, please stay away.

Best Gardening Scissors
Much later...
Hmm... Have worked for three hours. My gardening has been great but I really need scissors to snip the periwinkle. And am not in a particularly happy frame of mind, either. Remind myself that the nicest conversations are often with my dogs or cats. They don't argue at me and make me feel bad. Enough said.
Friday 8th October
Wow. What a great day! Remembered my two dollar Charity Shop scissors, bought for the craft box. Using these I've cleared all the periwinkle away from the path. I've cut dead Phormium leaves off. These scissors are THE best and sharpest I've ever used in the garden. So much for paying twenty-five dollars for proper garden scissors (and promptly losing them).
Symbolic horse manure...
I've chopped down lots of small things - mainly self-sown Ake Akes, which turn into the scruffiest small trees. I've weeded. Whenever yesterday's upsetting issue has popped into my mind I've deliberately plodded off to cart and spread a bag of horse manure. Symbolic, hee hee. Hey! It's made me giggle, which is heaps better than me sulking (haven't had a good sulk in ages).

Path Through the Periwinkle
And now Non-Gardening Partner is shifting the sheep ready for shearing this weekend. Had better go help him.