The speckled cat visitor...
Still basking in the glory of yesterday's seven hour gardening clean-up. Seven hours! Gardening is brilliant for one's mental wellness. Feeling low? Try out some of that good old gardening high. Oh, ignore the sore knee, and the achy hands...

One of the Last Rhododendrons
Great news of a practical nature : the pump went back in the pond yesterday, and so the big irrigation could run last night. I love listening to the big sprinklers whooshing around. Without their help I couldn't grow what I do (the rhododendrons, the roses)

The cat visitor...
But the watering was fairly noisy - and wet! So the speckled night-visiting cat didn't come by the cottage. I missed him! Had spare food in a bowl all ready.
Explanation: For a couple of months now a cat has been doing almost nightly circuits of the cottage, howl-talking as cats do. I've always assumed it was one of my Fred cats being a nuisance. One night last week when I was reading in bed he appeared, so I got up to shoo him away. The cottage is young Minimus's territory. No Freds allowed.
Not a Fred!
Only it wasn't a Fred. It was an unknown speckled tabby, a scaredy cat with huge round eyes, staring through the glass door at me. What to do? Obviously, I put a bowl of food on the verandah. Oops. Back in bed, watched him sneak back and eat it all.
Thanks, Minimus...
I'd like to thank Minimus for not being too annoyed with the visitor. Maybe there's room in the pond garden for him. But possibly not in Pond Cottage...

Pond Cottage