Lost paths...
Right. Have just tried to walk around the rose garden in the Hump. So where were the paths? And where were the new peonies? Hidden underneath large fleshy clumps of Campion and Alkanet, and bulky Honesty stalks going to seed.

New Peonies in the Greenery
So that's today's big task. When I get home from swimming, I will get this garden sorted. I will clear the paths, remove the weeds (didn't I do this a few weeks ago?), put the hoses on the roses (they're in there somewhere), pull out and sprinkle old forget-me-nots around like a good garden mulching fairy.

Overwhelmed with guilt. Every time I went to dig out an Alkanet or Campion plant, bees landed on it. Didn't know what to do. Then a lovely non-gardening visitor arrived. Yeay!
The Big Boss Bee...
He listened to my 'problem', pointed out that I was the big boss bee, and as long as I left other plants for the bees, I could jolly well pull out what I liked. He suggested I cleared the paths first, because clear paths would make me feel better. Oh yes - he knows me too well.
So for the last two hours that's what I've been doing. It's hard work, the hose is watering the roses, and the forget-me-nots (nothing else) are being laid as mulch. Dear Red Fred has been keeping me company. And I am very happy. Did I actually have a problem? No! But have I finished? Absolutely no! And are my hands and fingers achy? Absolutely yes, yes, yes!
Next morning...
The Plan : to do lots of piano practice, because I love my piano and it speaks to me when I play it. To put the hoses on, maybe pull out another barrow load of stuff from the Hump Rose Garden. Then to take self to a cafe for early lunch as a reward.

Hmm... Foiled after half an hour by Lilli-Puss who desperately needed to sit on my piano-playing lap. She started to purr. This happens so infrequently that I had to stop and tickle her chin. One cannot play Albeniz while tickling the chin of a senile cat on one's lap.
Much Later...
Brilliant! The paths are so much clearer, and there are less weeds. Less than before there were more than there are now?. And I know the roses are enjoying being watered. I'm not saying that it's finished, but it's oh so much better.
Next Morning...
Oh joy! Hot coffee, fresh bread - yeay! Have already done more amazing clearing. Have been digging out large clumps of Alkanet (it will resprout and flower again for the bees). Four barrow loads so far. Have lost a hand digger, a little scraper, and a pair of scissors. As one does.

Mutabilis Sport - The Active Rose
Shift the hoses again...
Now there's time to shift the hoses again and maybe do a bit of planting. Seedling Marigolds are ready for the garden. Where to put them? In the gaps in the Hump Garden? Just need to be careful to give the roses (and the dahlias which are slowly sprouting) room to breathe. Ha! Might have to dig out some more Campion to make room. At least its shallow rooted.
Hmm. No planting - moved over to the garden bay which houses the obelisk and kept on pulling out Alkanet and Campion. Hard work, two more barrow loads. The garden is quite dry. A gorgeous new rose is just flowering - a New Zealand sport of Mutabilis, with the strangest name. It's called The Active.
Yet another path...
Then off I went to the newest Hump Garden area, where the white Buddleia is happily growing. Blocked off an overgrown section, and scraped away at yet another path( dug up several rogue potatoes). Remembered to water the new archway roses. Need to weed-kill more of the thistles, though.
Not fair!
I just checked my journal, and only five weeks ago I had those Hump Garden paths completely clear. Not fair. I would understand if it had been five months. Humph.